Yes I just saw the 1922 version1 but I was not expecting to see such a ‘remake’ of the silent film. There’s so much Murnau imbued in every frame here, for better and for worse.
For better because by and large it’s an entertaining and disturbing horror film, well shot and well acted. Eggers really grasps the theme of sexual repression and loads even more symbolism and meaning onto the original film. He’s true to it, down to individual lines and details.
For worse because… well… why did he make this? Quite often it feels like little more than a well made homage. He’s made so many choices in style and tone, and they all seem to just trace back to other works in one way or another.
Perhaps I’m seeking greatness because there’s something about Eggers’ work like The Lighthouse2 and The Northman3 that always sees him make interesting creative choices only to never quite hit the bullseye. The weird aspect ratios and dialogue always suck me in, and I always have a good time, it’s just in retrospect they always leave me feeling a bit hollow. I guess it’s like shagging Nosferatu.
Ignore my droning on though, this is very much a good film that I would strongly recommend seeing in the cinema while it’s still on. More stuff like this please Mr. Hollywood.