Black Panther
You know what the Marvel Cinematic Universe needs? More characters!
This was quite a good one though. Never thought I’d say this about a Marvel film but if anything it doesn’t give us enough. I want to see more of Wakanda, more of the weird crossover between cool technology and old traditions, more of the strange country that hides itself from the world. Coogler builds a lush, rich universe you want to step into. Instead we get mostly long shots from Planet Earth.
The eye wanders a little because the plot is pretty standard fare. The bad guy wants to upset the good guy. Plus when the shit hits the fan it turns into another tedious punch-fest, with really flimsy CGI. It’s the same film as the 50 others they’ve made in a different setting.
Black Panther suffers from the Avengers tie-in but still brings enough fresh ideas to the table to be worth a look.