David Brent: Life on the Road

A mockumentary following the life of The Office UK star David Brent as he goes on tour with his band ‘Foregone Conclusion’.
After two seasons of The Office and a couple of Christmas specials, it’s hard to understand why Ricky Gervais has decided to return to his now infamous David Brent character, when the series seemed to end so perfectly. Indeed, Life on the Road doesn’t really offer up enough new material to justify its existence.
The script is funny but doesn’t come close to re-kindling the magic of the original series, possibly down to the absence of writing partner Stephen Merchant. Perhaps that wasn’t the aim, but if so then it simply re-emphasises the fact that there isn’t enough for Brent to go it alone.
Gervais has always had a knack for making the audience cringe and make fun of a character before brutally reminding us that they are human. In The Office and Extras it works rather well but here it’s forced and clumsy.
I went in with high hopes but there’s no denying that Life on the Road misses the mark.