
Two sisters (Tiny Fey and Amy Poehler) return home to Florida when they hear the news their parents want to sell the family home. They decide to have one last party to send it off.
Missed this one last Christmas, but a few people recommended I take a look, plus this year’s offering of Office Christmas Party and Bad Santa 2 (how dare they make a second one!) really have not tickled my fancy. Sure enough, Sisters is a pretty superficial but surprisingly funny venture. Perhaps it shouldn’t be all that surprising since Poehler and Fey are two of the funniest people on TV but for whatever reason my expectations weren’t all that great.
It’s not really one for the family but if you’re looking for a crowd pleaser over the festive period this might be worth a look. It doesn’t lean too heavily on the schmaltz but they lay enough groundwork for the characters to feel real, and most importantly plenty of hilarious shit happens pretty much as soon as you’ve waded through the first 20 minutes.
A simple formula that gets the job done.