Taking quick notes in the terminal
Every now and then someone asks me about my note-taking system. My job requires me to store a lot of information quickly and efficiently, and a few times now people have asked me what it is I’m doing. I thought this might be a good place to document my system.
There are a few things I need from a note-taking system:
- Speed
- I have to be able to start writing instantly
- Searchability
- It’s important to be able to quickly search through notes
- Sync
- I have to keep them synced across my work desktop PC and my laptop.
- Fire and forget
- I need to store everything, but need to also bear in mind that I will not be looking at 90% of what I have ever again.
My system
I use Linux everywhere, and use the terminal for most things, so here’s what I ended up with.
In short, it’s a folder full of markdown files whose titles are the date they were created!
Pros and cons
I’ll just run though some of the ups and downs of it.
- Plaintext
- Easy to search and manipulate
- Tracked and synced with git
- But stored on your server
- Opens in less than one second
- Portable
- Lightwieght
- Uses mostly tools you probably already have installed.
- Nerdy
- Great if you know bash, vim and other Linux shit
- Text only
- Suits me, but some of the fancier systems do images etc
- Nerdy
- Not for everyone
- Search is not intuitive (although very fast once you know how)
- Manual sync
- You can automate the sync, but setup in particular requires at least some thought.
- Not great on mobiles
- I actually use it on mobile a lot with mgit1 and a text editor, but it’s not ‘pretty’.
- Titles only have the date
- So you really need to know how to search
You need a few things installed to proceed, as a bare minimum to get the aliases below to work.
- Vim2 - to create, edit and sometimes search files
- Ranger3 - to flip through files
- Git4 - to track changes and sync the files
- ssh5 - to log into your server
You also need a folder to store your notes in. e.g. mkdir ~/notes
I’ll briefly cover how to set up a git folder on your server, but more info can be found here6.
ssh jimmy@myserver.com
cd /where/my/git/folder/is
mkdir notes.git && cd notes.git
git init --bare
Then get off ssh and go back to your local machine.
cd ~/notes
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'Initial Commit'
git remote add origin jimmy@myserver.com:/where/my/git/folder/is/notes.git
git push origin master
All set. To get your folder on other machines, just do
git clone jimmy@myserver.com:/where/my/git/folder/is/notes.git
And you’re done.
Bash aliases
To tackle the ‘speed’ requirements, I made some super short bash aliases to open and view notes.
Add the following to your .bashrc
To open a new note:
function nn {
vim ~/notes/$(date --utc +%FT%H-%M-%S).markdown
Now, when you press nn
, a new file is opened, in vim, its title being the date and time in UTC. This reduces the chances of you having two notes with the same name - you would have to open two at precisely the same second for this to occur. The extension is .markdown
because I like to use markdown7 to format the text sometimes; this part is really not essential.
To view all your notes:
alias nv='ranger ~/notes'
When you type nv
, ranger
, a terminal based file manager, opens in your notes directory. You can use hjkl
or the arrow keys to flip through them. The notes appear in a preview window to the right. If you have it set up correctly, you can open them in vim.
I actually wrote about getting ranger to read markdown files here8.
To synchronise your notes:
function ns {
git -C /home/jimmy/notes pull
git -C /home/jimmy/notes add .
git -C /home/jimmy/notes commit -m 'notesync'
git -C /home/jimmy/notes push
When you type ns
, git pulls the latest changes from the server if you are behind, then pushes any changes you have made.
Quicker searching
There’s a really nice way I found to search through the files. You need a couple more bits installed.
- The Silver Searcher9 - a slick text searcher.
- Sack10 - leverages the above to make life really easy
If you installed the above correctly you can do
cd ~/notes
sag searchterm
Then a list of results show consisting of files containing the word ‘searchterm’. They are numbered:
[1] Searchterm is really nice
[2] i like searchterm
[3] hi searchterm how are you
You pick the one you are looking for and open it like this:
F 2
It opens in vim if that’s set as your $EDITOR
There’s also a vim extension11 you can use that does a similar thing. You just type :Ag searchterm
and it brings up a list of files containing that word.
What I tried and eventually discarded
- Evernote
- A great system, but way too many features for me, plus I don’t like keeping my stuff with another company when I don’t have to.
- Post-its
- Sticky notes actually do 85% of what I need from this system, but it’s just too easy to lose them.
- Also, my handwriting is terrible.
- The other down sides of this are obvious
- Google Keep
- A great product, which I actually use for a slightly different purpose. However, it doesn’t work well with my ‘fire and forget’ rule.
- It loads too slowly once you get to thousands of notes.
- Again, the third party concern applies (although to be fair to Google, they sell it more as a ‘post-it note’ style thing, not as a store for essential information. Evernote encourages you to store your whole life in there).
Anyway that’s it. I’m always open to suggestions.