As an open source software bore it’s a thrill seeing a film made with Blender, a brilliant 3D modelling program, win an Oscar. Better still, it was rendered without a massive server farm, instead using some of the built-in features of the software to give the film a magical and ethereal quality. What a fantastic way to work with what you’ve got.
From the posters etc I actually thought this might be a John Le Carré film, the lead character is called ‘George’ after all, and he dresses like it’s the Cold War. Well it isn’t, but it might as well be, and it’s a wonderful take on the genre.
A violent and miserly man’s (Paul Meurisse) wife (Véra Clouzot) and mistress (Simone Signoret) plot to kill him and make it look like a suicide.
Derren Brown sits down with a friend, shows off some card tricks, and explains the ins-and-outs of how he does them.
A group of people have signed up to go to space, escape Earth, and set up a new colony on a remote planet. Robert Pattinson has signed up as an ‘expendable’ - a guinea pig who goes out on dangerous missions, dies, but can be re-built again using a human 3D printer.